
Building a Modern Tiny House in Connecticut




Lover of all things simple, efficient, and beautiful. Full time web designer and a graduate of University of Hartford’s Multimedia Web Design & Development program. Sound engineer, drummer, and economics/philosophy enthusiast on the side. Started following the tiny house movement ~10 years ago and have dreamed of building my own small home ever since.


Posts 1 to 10 of 10

6 is now on Instagram!

We’ve sort of fallen off the blogwagon over the last month or two. As of a week ago, the cedar siding is complete. This was by far the most tedious, but also most rewarding part of the project so far.  Over the July 4th weekend I completed the Ice & Water shield roofing underlayment and finishing touches on… View More


Doors and trim complete; cedar siding started!

Mikey and I have been making some pretty decent progress over the past 10 days.  It is SO NICE to have weather again that doesn’t freeze your fingers off if you try to do anything outside - or even indoors in our unheated garage and workshop or inside the Tiny House itself! Doors and Trim A lot of time and meticulous effort was needed to complete the two door installations.  We knew that one of the rough openings -… View More


Door installation, roof delivery, progress on exterior trim

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Inline Fiberglass windows arrive from Canada!

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Roof Sheathing & House "Wrap-up"

This weekend I finished fastening the sheathing to the roof (doing much better with heights now!) and Dad and I completed the house wrap. I chose Hydro Gap from Benjamin Obdyke, which is a “drainable” housewrap. It has little spacers on the surface to allow water that gets behind your siding to drain out. Sort of a mini rain-screen. Useful tip: A belt sander with 36 grit sandpaper comes in real handy when you need to… View More


Blocking & Sheathing

After all framing was up, I started on two rows of blocking—pieces of 2x4 material fit between each stud and run horizontally along the length of each wall. Most codes specify that all edges of each panel of sheathing should land on solid blocking. This makes the structure much stronger. This will also give me solid backing to attach my interior plywood to. Because of the height of my walls, I determined that I would need two rows of… View More



The past 2-3 weeks has been focused on wall construction, with three wall segments now standing and one nearing completion. Before I began on the walls, I still had a few decisions to make. This ended up taking longer and being more stressful than I had anticipated. The main decision I faced was the interplay of the interior headroom, roof pitch, and wall height. My design (which I’ll show more of soon) features a roof that… View More


Some thoughts on the process so far

First, thanks to my dad (Jon) for stepping in and giving this blog a second life. Before my dad picked it back up, I had resigned myself to the fact that I was going to have to make some sacrifices in order to make ProcessHouse into a reality and not just a blog. Unfortunately, one of those sacrifices was, in fact, blogging. However, as my father and I began construction back in May, I discovered he… View More


Model 3 (Changing Plans)

This long, cold, and (very) snowy Winter has given me plenty of time to think and re-think my tiny house plans. All that thinking has led me to explore some totally new ideas, culminating in an alternate design which actually has its basis in some of my earliest plans from a year ago, but draws heavily on the experience I’ve gained while working on the model I’ve been featuring on this blog. While I love much about… View More


Why "ProcessHouse"?

Well, I had to call it something now that I have a blog, right? Actually, the name is primarily inspired by a book I recently read, The Practicing Mind by Thomas M. Sterner. In it, Sterner talks about being process oriented rather than product oriented as the key to getting stuff done and enjoying life. Life itself is a process and we can only find a lasting sense of contentment if we’re able to find it in the process rather than… View More